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360 Wellness Napa Valley


Energy Medicine works deeply with the body on a cellular level to align the electromagnetic and subtle energies that help to create a balance between health, emotional wellness and the belief systems which influence our responses toward life experiences. This modality often reveals insights that might explain the root of illnesses, helping us to move forward in our process of healing. Energy Medicine is a perfect complement to all traditional allopathic healing methods. Many physicians, as well as the M.D. Anderson Cancer Clinics, recognize its effectiveness in pain management and the restoration of optimal health.

60 Minutes

90 Minutes

specialty readings

Intuitive Life Readings are conversations which explore issues of relationship, career, health, finances or general topics with a focus on creating positive changes in present time. They are offered in person, by phone or digitally. Energetic insight, knowledge and healing are very helpful tools when making changes or important decisions in life. These tools help to revitalize the body, mind, aura and spirit. By becoming aware of how our energy is influencing current behaviors, reaction to stress, and interaction with others we gain a clearer understanding of what is motivating us to react or to respond to any given situation.

60 minutes

90 minutes

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The word Reiki means universal life energy. This energy is the "chi" or vital life force that flows through and around all living things. Reiki's origins of balancing the body, mind and spirit reach far back to the ancient healing arts of Asia. Reiki is offered by the gentle placement of the practitioner's hands on or above the client's body. Many experience a flow of warmth, tingling and deep relaxation as blocked areas are located and opened. Reiki is offered alone or integrated with therapeutic massage. 

60 Minutes

90 Minutes


Within each of us lives an integrative system of intelligence known as the Chakras. These spinning wheels of energy act as satellite dishes which receive, process and distribute the input from our life experiences to inform every aspect of our being. Chakra clearing or updating is an excellent way of maintaining a healthy balance within this vital and living system, to help us make healthy decisions, find answers, and achieve deeper personal understanding.

60 Minutes

90 minutes